Monday, September 7, 2009


Today is such a totally wasted day. i guess it is nice to relax and not have to go to work or school but I do so enjoy the money and in my profession there are no such thing as holidays. It is also a sad day because our kids have to go back home. They are not really kids but they will always be my babies. My son is 6'4" and is 17, my soon to be step-son is 15 and not quite as tall. We have had an enjoyable weekend full of outdoorsy kinds of things. We all are so tired.

Now as this week approaches there are several things to look forward to. I am still excited about the new season of my favorite TV shows beginning Tuesday. I have to check but I don't think there is anything on Monday to watch. It has been a strange situation in my community because my fiance and his sister got into a physical altercation last Sunday. She made some choice comments to me and I to her, so feelings are mutual. Those 2 have a bad relationship anyway and she antagonized the fight by hitting him in the head. I by no means advocate violence, but she deserved that and more. It is so redneck to fight but sometimes it has to be done. I wish I could have hit her. I have only been in one fight my entire life and as large is she is she would have killed me. I know when to keep my mouth shut!!!! She just makes me so mad because of her parenting skills. I have not been the best mother in the world, and have made plenty of mistakes. I like to think that I am a good mother now and am working to improve myself everyday. Kids are a blessing and she sees them as a nuisance. She has a 5 year old and 2 year old. The 5 year old stays with us almost all the time. The only time he stays at her house is if his cousin comes over otherwise he is here with us. The younger one stays with her. I haven't gotten attached to him since the dad is the man she live with right now and he makes her keep him. He is a hellion of a child and so I am kind of grateful that he has done that even though I do worry about him. ENOUGH of that.

That was my soapbox for this morning. I wish they made a holiday from housework instead of your regular work. I would much rather go to work than do housework!!!!! Off to see the vacuum!!!!

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